Saturday, October 25, 2008

Workout: "300" Modified

I recently performed the "300" workout which was made famous by the gym which was responsible for the fitness and appearance of the cast and stunt crew of the movie "300." The "300" workout was a one time test for those who were deemed ready. The workout totalled 300 reps and included the following:

25x Pull-up +
50x Deadlift @ 135# +
50x Push-up +
50x Box Jump @ 24” box +
50x Floor Wiper @ 135# (one-count) +
50x KB Clean and Press @ 36# (KB must touch floor between reps) +
25x Pull-up
300 reps total

My "300" workout was modified because of equipment limitations and exercise choices. The execution of each repetition, except for a few exercises that are performed explosively, were performed with the following guidelines: movement through a full range of motion, emphasis on the lowering of the weight, and elimination of fast or jerky movements.

I was able to finish the "300" in 25:34. I have listed each exercise, the number of reps it took to complete the goal, and the split time between exercises. My version is listed below:

25 x Pull-ups {18 + 7 reps} (2:40 ) - underhand grip
50 x Trap Bar Deadlift 135# (5:21) - TB is a great alternative
50 x Push ups {26 + 9 + 7 + 8 reps} (9:05) - DB's act as handles
50 x Box Jumps 24” (11:56) - explode up and step down
50 x Floor Wiper 135# {15 + 10 + 10 + 7 + 8 reps} (18:17) - a struggle
50 x DB Snatch & Press {15 + 10 reps each arm} (21:24) - no 36 lb. KB
25 x Pull-ups {8 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 4 reps} (25:34) - underhand grip
300 reps total

This workout is brief and intense and provides motivation to improve from workout to workout. Improvement can be accomplished through the manipulation of more repetitions (less sets) toward the goal and/or less rest between sets or exercises. This is otherwise known as the overload principle. The reduction in rest periods also places a greater demand on the cardiovascular system which will increase the overall fitness level.

Let me know your thoughts on my version of the "300" and how your time compares to mine.


Unknown said...

I'm afraid to ask, but what exactly is a floor wiper? The name sounds brutal.

Also, is an underhand pull-up, just a chin-up. Is this the same exercise as the underhand grip puts a lot of the strain on your bicep? Which one, chin or pull does the 300 workout call for?

Jeff Friday said...

Hi Jim,

The floor wiper is an exercise designed to strengthen your core muscles. I find it a very difficult exercise.

In the starting position, you will be lying supine (face up) on the ground with a barbell extended overhead as in the starting position of a bench press. The '300' workout calls for 135 lbs.

The execution of the exercise begins with the legs in an extended position. Bring both feet up to touch the 45 lb. plate on one side of the bar. After touching the plate the legs are returned to the starting position on the floor. Proceed to touch the 45 lb. plate on the other side of the bar. This counts as one repetition.

As far as the underhand pull-up is concerned, the '300' calls for a pull up which would be an overhand grip. My incorporation of the underhand grip is a personal preferance.

Unknown said...

Thanks Jeff,

300 was on my cable system tonight. What inspiration. Now if we only knew who their dentists were! The other bodypart I noticed besides the teeth was their thighs. However, I looked at the cast on wikipedia and there were a lot of Europeans and South American, so they did more than sprint to 1st base, i.e., soccer. BTW...on the first wiper I dropped the bar 2' behind my head. Newbies beware!

Jeff Friday said...

Hi Jim,

Sorry to hear about the bar drop on the floor wiper. As I mentioned when I posted the workout, it is a very tough exercise. You may want to start with only the bar or 95 lbs. instead of 135 lbs.