Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Question: Increase Your Testosterone Levels

I have recently heard that working larger muscles in the beginning of your workout releases more testosterone throughout your body and that this will benefit you during the rest of your workout. Because of this, I have decided to incorporate a quick 5-set leg workout before I hit my regular weights for that day. Is this true/the right idea?

Testosterone is the primary hormone that interacts with skeletal muscle tissue. It has both direct and indirect effects on muscle tissue. Basically, the effects of testosterone can enhance the force production potential and mass of the muscle. Several exercise variables can increase testosterone concentrations:

• Large – muscle group exercises (squats, deadlift)
• Heavy resistance (85-95% of one-repetition maximum)
• Moderate to high volume of exercises, achieved with multiple sets, multiple exercises, or both
• Short rest intervals (30 seconds to 1 min)
• 2 yrs or more of resistance training experience

Your quick 5 set leg workout would qualify as a protocol to increase your testosterone levels. If time does not allow (as it does for the majority of the population), a wide variety of exercise protocols have been shown to elicit increases in testosterone.