Thursday, June 11, 2009

Workout: Strength Endurance II (Variation)

I recently took the Howard County Housewives + One, a highly motivated group of ladies and men, with an average age in the upper 30’s, through a strength endurance workout as part of their total conditioning class.

The workout:
Agility Ladder team race
Row for time (500m, 400m, 300m)
10 Slide Board Reverse Lunges
5-4-3-2-1 ladder DB 1 arm shoulder press
5-4-3-2-1 ladder DB Row
Partner ABS w/ med ball x 30
3 Rounds
finish with Modified Man Maker x 20
1st Round looks like this: 500m row + slide board reverse lunges + shoulder press + DB row + partner Abs

500m: 1. Bill = 1:30 2. Gena & Wendy (welcome) = 1:57 3. Laura S. = 2:01
400m: 1. Bill = 1:17 2. Wendy (welcome) = 1:28 3. Numerous = 1:34
300m: 1. Bill = 1:02 2. Wendy (welcome) = 1:06 3. Anne = 1:09

*Most decreased their rowing time from Workout: Strength Endurance II
*200m row for extra credit


Anonymous said...

My next goal is to get out of the basement. Great workout, ladies (and you too, Jeff).

Gena said...

I certainly wasn't breaking any records on my bike ride this morning...was it the reverse lunges or overall muscle fatigue?