Sunday, November 9, 2008

Workout: Intense Arm Routine

I have incorporated this bicep and tricep routine into an upper body workout for NFL athletes as a "finisher." I often had a tape measure handy at the conclusion to get the upper arm measurement. I recently used this same routine on Anthony from the Y. The reps, exercises and weight are listed below:

12 barbell bicep curls @ 85 lbs.
12 thumbs-up curl @ 25 lb. DB's
60 second negative chin (lower in 60 seconds)
Water Break
15 narrow grip EZ Curl bench presses @ 135 lbs.
13 seated triceps extensions @ one 45 lb. DB held in both hands
60 second negative dip (only got 40 seconds)

  • Except for the negative chin and dip, each repetition was performed with a pause in the contracted position and a four count for the lowering phase.
  • Each repetition was performed through a full range of motion.
  • Forced repetitions on a few exercises were necessary to ensure muscle fatigue.
  • Movement from one exercise to another occurred with a minimum amount of rest.
  • Anthony provided his best effort on each exercise.
  • When the 60 second negative chin or dip is accomplished, attach a 10 lb. plate to a waist belt to make the lowering more difficult.

Let me know your thoughts if you try this upper arm workout.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Workout: Strength Circuit

I recently performed the following strength circuit:

Warm-up: toe touch series + wall sit with shoulder press

Round 1
10 x Lunge on Slide Board with 55 lb. DB's
10 x Squat 1 Leg
10 x Squat Touchdown - 1 Leg
15 x Barbell Squat with 225 lbs.
8 x Chest Press Alternating Arm on Stability Ball with 75 lb. DB's
8 x Row on Stability Ball 1 Arm with 75 lb. DB's
14 x Shoulder Press on 1 Leg with 30 lb. DB's
10 x Tube Pull Apart
1:30 water break
Repeat Round

*Involved in a conversation so I did not have time for a post workout stretch.

This workout fits my philosophy for the 'busy executive' because it is brief but intense. The reduction in rest periods also places a greater demand on the cardiovascular system which will increase the overall fitness level.

I am usually sore for a couple of days because of the lunge and squat combination.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Workout: Strength Endurance #2

The following workout took approximately 34:57 to complete:

10 x pull-ups - 10 lbs. of chains over shoulders
20 x DB swings - each arm with 35 lbs.
30 x Box Jumps 24” - explode up and step down
40 x Push ups {20 + 10 + 10 reps} - on Reebok Core Board (with turn)
50 x Sit ups - incline board w/ 20 lb. DB
10 x pull-ups - 10 lbs. of chains over shoulders
This round took 11:30
Concept 2 rowing machine:
5000 m breathing through the nose. No foot clips. The cadence did not fall below 24 m/s.
This took 21:30

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Workout: Introduction to the Kettlebell

I was recently introduced to a kettlebell workout by Mac Cassity. Mac is a Crossfit Certified Kettlebell Instructor. The kettlebell is a tool to consider in your arsenal to acquire all around fitness. If used properly, the kettlebell can yield results in strength, strength endurance, flexibility and work capacity. In our session, Mac taught me the following exercises:

Two handed Kettlebell Swing to eye level (Russian Swing)
Two handed swing straight overhead (American Swing)
One handed swing
Clean & Press
Snatch (from dead and from swing)
Turkish Get Up

At the conclusion of the teaching session, I went through the following introductory workout with a 40 lb. kettlebell.

1. 20 two handed swings
2. 5 pull ups
3. 20 swings single hand
4. 5 ring dips
5. 20 cleans (10 each side)
6. 5 pull ups
7. 20 Clean & Press (10 each side)
8. 5 pull ups
9. 10 push ups on rings

The circuit was short in duration but could have been repeated if time allowed. This workout fits my philosophy for the 'busy executive' because it is brief but intense. The reduction in rest periods also places a greater demand on the cardiovascular system which will increase the overall fitness level.

Please send me your thoughts on the kettlebell as well as any workouts that I can add to my selection.